National Taiwan Normal University
Faculty Host: Chengzhi Chu
Faculty Host Contact: czchu@ucdavis.edu
Dr. Huichen S. HSIAO received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from University at Buffalo, SUNY. Currently Huichen is a Professor of Department of Chinese as a Second Language at National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan. She is interested in how different linguistic meanings (words or constructions) are mediated, operated, and interacted while acquiring a L1 or L2 language, drawing on empirical data from learners, interlanguage corpora and behavioral data. Overall, Huichen’s major research areas focus on lexical semantics, cognitive linguistics, and applied linguistics. During Huichen’s Fulbright Scholarship at UC Davis, she will be working on a project that aims to understand the lexical inferring strategies of CSL learners adopt in the States, and their relation to learners’ morphological awareness of Chinese under the supervision of Prof. Chengzhi Chu.
Last updated: 2017