Congratulations to our 2018-19 Seed Grant Recipients
Partnering with UC Davis colleges and schools, Global Affairs provides Seed Grants for International Activities to faculty taking on innovative research, service, and engagement projects around the world.

Heidi Ballard (and Ryan Meyer)
CCS Global Collabinar: Building Capacity to Address Global Environmental Challenges (Israel, Brazil, South Africa)
Center for Community and Citizen Science, School of Education
Thomas Buckley
Applying a revolutionary new method to measure leaf water potential in intact, functioning leaves (Germany, Australia)
Plant Sciences, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Lark Coffey
Viral molecular determinants of pathogenic mosquito-borne virus emergence: Usutu virus in Europe and St. Louis encephalitis virus in California (Ireland)
Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, School of veterinary Medicine
Corrie Decker
Historical Ethnographic Field Research Methods and the History of Youth in Uganda (Uganda)
History, College of Letters and Science
Laura Foglia
Developing an International, Cross-disciplinary Work Group to Advance Research on the Use of Bioclimatic Indices for Drought and Climate Change Assessment in Semi-arid Regions (Italy, Brazil, Chile)
Land, Air and Water Resources, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Alexander Forrest (and Holly Oldroyd)
Methane Flux from Lakes in a Rapidly Warming Arctic (Spain)
Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering
Gail Goodman (and Donna Shestowsky)
Psychology and Law: A University of California, Davis and Altai State University Interdisciplinary/International Collaboration (Russia)
Psychology, College of Letters and Science (and School of Law)
Randi Hagerman (and Flora Tassone)
Molecular Testing for Fragile X Mutations in Individuals with ASD and Intellectual Disability in Mexico (Mexico)
Pediatrics & MIND Institute, School of Medicine (and Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine & MIND Institute, School of Medicine)
Jennifer Lane (and Woutrina Smith)
Expanding a Network of One Health Research, Education, and Collaboration Opportunities in Southern Africa (Malawi)
One Health Institute, School of Veterinary Medicine
Harris Lewin (and Stephen Richards)
UC Davis-UNICAMP Collaboration for the Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing of Plants Adapted to the Extreme and Biodiverse Brazilian Campos Rupestres (Brazil)
Genome Center & Evolution and Ecology, College of Biological Sciences (and Genome Center, College of Biological Sciences)
Jamie Peyton (and Deana Clifford)
Impact of Animal Burns on the International Veterinary Medicine Community and the Development of the UC Davis Global Veterinary Burn Care Center (United Kingdom, Costa Rica)
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, School of Veterinary Medicine (and Veterinary Medicine and Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine)
Eric Post (and Pernille Sporon Boving)
Strengthening international collaboration on climate change in the Arctic (Oceania and the Polar Regions)
Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Heidi Rossow (and Fernanda Ferreira)
Big data management and information to food animal production decision-making – learning from the Australian Livestock Information Platform (LIP) (Australia)
Population Health and Reproduction, School of Veterinary Medicine
Bassam Younis
LEDs for UCD’s UV System (Palestine)
Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering