Global Teaching and Learning
Our world is interconnected, our well-being relies upon interdependence, and our challenges and opportunities are global in scope. It is therefore critically important that our teaching and learning includes global and intercultural experiences—and that we continue to expand avenues beyond traditional study abroad, such as online course content or virtual international collaborations.
As faculty and students wonder about how to strengthen global and international collaborations in the present context, Global Affairs has gathered a set of resources to help faculty connect with others around the world and support students in becoming global thinkers and learners.
Resources for Faculty
Resources for Global Virtual Collaboration
- Virtual Exchange Typology and Glossary of Terms from the Stevens Initiative
- Beyond Video Conferencing: International Collaborative Projects from the Observatory of Educational Innovation at Tecnológico de Monterrey
- Virtual Exchange Toolkit from the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Resources Related to Global Learning Outcomes
Global learning cultivates skills, knowledge, networks and attitudes tied to three overall Global Learning Outcomes: building global awareness, embracing linguistic and cultural diversity, and acting globally.
- Learn more about Global Learning Outcomes at UC Davis
- Explore teaching resources and materials tied to the global learning outcomes
Resources Related to Addressing Global Challenges
To strengthen our contributions to solving global challenges, UC Davis is engaging with international networks, which provide resources for teaching and collaboration on critical global issues—across disciplines. Because UC Davis is a member institution, faculty, staff and students can access content related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the SDG Academy.
- The SDG Academy Library includes more than 1,200 searchable and downloadable video lectures and case studies. They can also be embedded into course management software such as Canvas. For faculty interested in “flipping the classroom” these could be particularly useful. Courses can be searched by SDG or by topic including:
- Economics (Development Economics, Environmental Economics, Macroeconomics)
- Global Studies (Global Governance, Human Rights, International Security, Migration Studies)
- Health (Food and Nutrition, Public Health, Wellness)
- Law (International Investment Law)
- Policy (Environmental Policy, Fiscal Policy, Industrial Policy, Public Policy)
- Science (Climate Science, Earth Science, Energy Systems, Environmental Science, Information Technology, Marine Biology, Oceanography)
- Social Sciences (Early Childhood Development, Ethics, Gender Studies, History, Philosophy, Psychology, Urban Planning)

- The SDGAcademyX includes 30 free MOOCs. The majority of these are self-paced and can be started at any time. The MOOCs include video lectures, downloadable readings, quizzes and comprehension questions, activities and discussion prompts, and exams. Registering for a pertinent MOOC may help faculty to access pertinent reading material. Individual modules may help suggest activities and prompts for similarly focused courses.
More Global Teaching and Learning Resources and Materials
- Global Learning Syllabi-Building Activities and Frameworks and Sample Syllabi
- Global Learning research guide from the UC Davis Library
- Resources for Assessing Global Learning
Resources for Students
Virtual Internships
- CISAbroad Virtual Internships in Argentina and CISAbroad Virtual Internships in South Africa are available in the fields of business and economics, hospitality tourism and event planning, IT and computer systems, or marketing advertising and PR. Internships include weekly supervisor check-ins; online seminars; mentored, hands-on learning; and weekly debriefs.
- CRCC Asia Virtual International Internships include a dedicated career coach, language lessons, and group discussions or webinars.
- Evolve Abroad Online Global Internships and Apprenticeships include online modules covering relevant coursework supported by an academic supervisor, internship work with stakeholders in global think tanks and project development teams, and career coaching.
- ISA Global Remote Internships provide students with the unique opportunity to participate in either a group project, facilitated by a professional mentor, or an individual placement. In all cases, participants will work remotely from their own home and still gain valuable international experience.
- Paper Airplanes English Program connects you with Syrian refugee students for English tutoring over Skype. Two-hour weekly sessions take place over 16 weeks using a pre-prepared curriculum.
- Puentes Remote Internships support meaningful, project-based work from the comfort of your chosen workspace. Learn from thoughtful mentors who care, connect with a new culture, strengthen your Spanish, and build an international network.
Virtual Internship Search Tools

More Virtual Community Engaged Global Learning Programs
Students looking to engage in global community service virtually, provide services to an organization or community online, or act globally while staying locally should visit the list of related resources and opportunities on our Global Learning Hub website.

More Virtual Global Internship Programs
Students looking for valuable real-world work experience and flexibility with regard to work location and hours through remote or virtual internships should visit the list of related resources and opportunities on our Global Learning Hub website.
Search all virtual global learning opportunities on the Global Learning Hub website
Opportunities for Students to Engage with Solving Global Challenges
To strengthen our contributions to solving global challenges, UC Davis is engaging with international networks, which provide resources for collaboration on such challenges. Because UC Davis is a member institution, students can access content related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the SDG Academy.
- The SDG Academy Library includes more than 1,200 searchable, video lectures and case studies. They are downloadable so that they can be accessed offline. Courses can be searched by topic or by SDG including:

- The SDGAcademyX includes 30 free MOOCs on various topics, including climate change, food systems, natural resources, public health, water, human rights, and more.
- The One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership, a joint initiative of more than 30 multilateral organizations helping countries to achieve climate change action both through general climate literacy and applied skills development, offers a variety of self-paced courses on topics relating to climate change.
- The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) offers courses on topics related to Peace, People, Planet, Prosperity, Multilateral Diplomacy, SDG Implementation, Satellite Analysis and Applied Research.
More Global Affairs Teaching Resources and Opportunities

Teaching for Global Learning
The Teaching for Global Learning program provides concrete tools for UC Davis faculty members across all disciplines to make their course content, teaching techniques, and students’ experiences responsive to current global challenges and opportunities.

Learn More about SDGs at UC Davis
As a land-grant university, UC Davis is engaged in a mission of teaching, research and service for the greater public good, including contributing towards all 17 UN SDGs. There are numerous resources and opportunities available for students, faculty, and staff to engage more.
More Information
Do you have ideas for virtual global learning that you'd like to discuss further? Do you have resources you'd like added to this webpage? Do you have questions related to integrating global learning into your teaching or learning? Please contact Esther Luna DeLozier, assistant director of partnerships and faculty engagement.

Esther Luna DeLozier
Assistant Director of Partnerships and Faculty Engagement
Global Affairs
(530) 574-8545