Travel Safety and Security Tips

Resources and Tips for Safe and Secure Travels

UC Davis Global Affairs considers the safety and security of UC Davis travelers of critical importance. Below are some general tips, as well as a variety of helpful safety and security resources, to assist you in trip planning.

Safety and Security Tips

  • Research your destination

    • Learn about the local culture, political environment, weather, geography, traffic patterns, road conditions, prevalence of crime, and the perception of foreigners
  • Know where the nearest local law enforcement facilities and U.S. embassy or consulate are located

    • If possible, drive or walk by these facilities to familiarize yourself with their locations and entrances
  • Maintain situational awareness at all times

    • Don’t walk and text
    • Take a minute to identify emergency exits at your hotel, residence, restaurant, employment location, airplane, etc.
    • Visualize your actions and movements in the event of an emergency
  • Establish a robust and redundant communications plan (see Communications Resources)

    • Adjust your communications plan as necessary once you arrive, as well as after moving to a different city or region

  • Whenever possible, travel with someone else

    • If traveling alone, always inform family, friends, employers, and/or colleagues of your travel plans
    • Establish regular check-in times and procedures, as well as a plan should you fail to check in on time
  • Keep a low profile and blend in

    • Avoid clothing and behavior that clearly identifies you as a foreigner
    • Avoid demonstrations
  • Establish a personal security plan

    • Know where to go and whom to contact in an emergency
    • Mentally or physically walk through your actions in the event of a crisis
  • Engage friends and colleagues who have traveled to your destination previously or who are originally from there

    • Ask questions about daily life and the safety/security situation in-country
  • Protect your ATM PIN

    • While ATMs are the most efficient way to withdraw local currency in many countries, they may not be as prevalent or secure
    • Know the safest methods to withdraw cash at your destination
    • Be vigilant of ATM “skimming” equipment
  • Be careful with cash

    • Keep cash in multiple locations
    • If you do not need ID, credit cards, documents, or cash with you, leave them in a safe place
    • Create a “mugger’s wallet” with a small amount of local currency, expired credit cards, and old receipts to be ready to hand over in a potential robbery attempt

Safety and Security Resources

  • Ensure that your trip is registered

    • Receive critical, location-specific travel alerts from WorldAware, the University’s risk management and private intelligence partner
    • WorldAware travel alerts contain valuable information to mitigate a traveler’s exposure to a broad spectrum of disruptive safety, security, health, weather, and general transportation events
  • Research your destination with the WorldCue® Traveler/Planner

    • Service is offered free of charge to UC Davis travelers and contains a wealth of country-specific safety, security, health, cultural, political, transportation, communications, legal, financial, and weather information and guidance
  • Register your travel with the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)

    • Receive breaking safety and security alerts and guidance directly from the U.S. embassy or nearest consulate
  • Consult the U.S. Department of State’s Travel Advisory webpage

    • Country-specific information on active State Department warnings and alerts
    • Guidance related to travel to such countries
  • Review critical information regarding your destination via the U.S. Department of State’s Country Information webpage

  • Find contact information for U.S. embassies and consulates around the world

    • In an emergency, ask the embassy operator to connect you with the “Duty Officer” for assistance, including after hours
  • Review the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s fact sheets for safety and security

More Information

UC Davis travelers with questions or concerns about safety or security abroad are encouraged to contact Global Affairs at (530) 752-4129 or