25 Years of Catalyzing Global Engagement
For 25 years, we have proudly served as a catalyst for global engagement, fostering collaboration, innovation and meaningful connections across borders. Through strategic partnerships, academic exchanges and global learning opportunities, we have empowered individuals and institutions to expand their horizons and tackle global challenges together. Our commitment to promoting cross-cultural understanding and cooperation has enhanced educational and professional opportunities and contributed to lasting, impactful solutions. As we celebrate this milestone, we reflect on our achievements and remain dedicated to continuing our mission of driving global engagement and shaping a more interconnected world for future generations.
Points of Pride

Since 2005, we have supported more than 83,000 international students and 34,000 scholars.

Since 2014, more than 11,000 students have studied, interned and researched abroad.

10,000+ students currently participate in global learning experiences on campus, online or around the world each year.

Since 1999, 120 UC Davis faculty and staff have received Fulbright U.S. Scholar awards.

Since 1986, UC Davis has welcomed 344 Humphrey Fellows from over 100 countries.

Since 2014, 503 students have received Gilman Scholarships, totaling over $1.8 million.

Since 2016, UC Davis has welcomed more than 200 Mandela Washington Fellows from more than 35 countries.

Since 2016, 32 UC Davis faculty and staff have been honored with the Chancellor’s Achievement Award or Excellence in Teaching for Global Learning Award.

Since 2019, Grants for Advancing Sustainable Development Goals have supported 24 faculty projects with 14 collaborators across 18 countries in multiple regions, addressing all 17 SDGs.

Since 2001, Seed Grants for International Activities have funded 284 global faculty projects, with $2 million invested by Global Affairs ($4 million total from UC Davis) leading to over $50 million in external funding.
Awards and Recognition
Global Engagement at UC Davis
A Brief History of Highlights
- William B. Lacy became the founding vice provost of University Outreach and International Programs. This position was created based on the recommendations of the UC Davis Commission for Globalization.
- Launched a Quarter Abroad pilot program, becoming the only campus in the UC system with “campus-based” study abroad opportunities during the academic year. This represented a significant innovation and was our foray into faculty-led programs.
- Launched the Internationally Engaged newsletter, which included articles addressing issues facing international education and creative programming led by UC Davis schools and colleges.
- Services for International Students and Scholars began reporting to University Outreach and International Programs and Student Affairs.
- The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program joined University Outreach and International Programs. Previously hosting the program from 1986-1996, this competitive program was reinstated and continues uninterrupted as the only California Humphrey program.
- Launched Seed Grants for International Activities to support faculty taking on creative and innovative research, service and engagement projects around the world.
- Hosted Japanese staff interns through the LEAP program, funded by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.
- Founded the University of California Senior International Leader’s Council.
- The first International Education Week was celebrated at UC Davis.
- Summer Sessions global programs moved from Undergraduate Studies to University Outreach and International Programs. This was the catalyst for creating a true study abroad “center” that recognized the need for increasingly diverse study abroad opportunities for students. The program started with about five summer programs in Europe and one in Japan and has since grown to engage hundreds of faculty and has expanded to a wide range of global learning opportunities. This also prompted the naming and structure of the Education Abroad Center.
- New philanthropic initiatives were launched to support study abroad, international scholars and students, faculty initiatives and a new International Center.
- Chancellor Larry N. Vanderhoef led a small UC Davis delegation to Iran—the first and only U.S. university delegation to visit since Iran’s 1979 revolution. UOIP provided all the organizational and logistical support for the trip. Read article (p.73).
- Global and Local Opportunities Beginning with Education (GLOBE), a volunteer networking group on campus, generated greater global understanding through international education, internships and other opportunities abroad. Read article.
- Hosted a talk by Shirin Ebadi, Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner on human rights and freedom of speech. Read article.
- Hosted a talk by Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize winner, on human rights and indigenous peoples. Read article.
- The Chancellor’s Fall Conference focused on Internationalizing the UC Campus. Read article.
- Services for International Students and Scholars transitioned fully to University Outreach and International Programs.
- Hosted the first administrative staff exchange with an intern visiting from Kyoto University. This exchange served as a foundation for future opportunities for staff from universities in places such as Australia, China, Denmark, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan to both bring professionals to UC Davis and to facilitate UC Davis Global Affairs professionals spending time at other universities.
- Chancellor Larry N. Vanderhoef led a UC Davis delegation to renew relationships with universities in Egypt. Six agreements of cooperation for student and scholar exchange and for other academic collaborations were signed. Read article.
- Mahmoud Abu-Zeid (M.S. Irrigation Engineering, ’60, Ph.D. Groundwater Hydrology ’62) received the Emil M. Mrak International Award from the Cal Aggie Alumni Association. Among other positions, he was minister of public works and water resources for Egypt. Read article.
- Led coordination of the inaugural Picnic Day Around the World.
- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chilean President Michelle Bachelet presided at a UC Davis signing ceremony that renewed the decades-old California-Chile partnership in research and education. Read article
- UC Davis rose seven spots to number 14 on the annual list of Peace Corps Top Colleges, its highest ranking since the Peace Corps began releasing its list in 2003.
- Hosted the Balance Conference on The European Component of the Internationalization Strategies of North American Universities.
- Awarded the Senator Paul Simon Spotlight Award for innovative international programs and initiatives in Cuba and Iran.
- Recognized as a Top Producer of Fulbright Students (2008-09).
- Deborah Bräutigam presented her new book, The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa. One of the world’s leading experts, she provided the first comprehensive account of China’s aid and economic cooperation overseas.
- Hosted a special lecture by Dr. Klaus Scharioth, ambassador of Germany to the United States, where he discussed the partnerships between the United States and Germany and how they can be used to tackle global problems.
- The Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor established an International Advisory Committee to develop an overarching strategy for international engagement that best serves the excellence and mission of UC Davis.
- Recognized as a Top Producer of Fulbright Scholars (2010-11).
- UC Davis was the first of 156 U.S. universities to sign an agreement with the Brazilian government to partner in Science Without Borders, a bold program aimed at training 100,000 undergraduate and graduate students overseas. Read article.
- UC Davis and the China Scholarship Council (CSC) signed an agreement to offer up to 20 Ph.D. fellowships annually to students from China to study at UC Davis for four years. At the time, this was the largest commitment of scholarships to any U.S. university. Read article.
- The UC Davis International Advisory Committee submitted its final report, recommending the adoption of an ambitious program of action, including investing in five primary areas: promoting undergraduate participation in studying abroad; integrating international students into the fabric of the campus; attracting international graduate students; developing procedures for faculty to facilitate their ongoing efforts in the international arena; and creating a centralized database to fully account for our efforts. Read report.
- Initiated new programs to help international students better succeed on campus. Expanded orientation and mentoring services, as well as a special seminar series—focus on the unique needs of international students.
- Hosted Consul General Gao Zhansheng of China in San Francisco to discuss China-U.S. relations and education and youth exchanges. Read article.
- Received a $1 million gift from Ann E. Pitzer, a UC Davis alumna and member of the UC Davis Foundation Board of Trustees, which provides critical opportunities for UC Davis students to study abroad as part of their UC Davis education. This gift was matched by nearly $250,000 of endowed funds from current and former UC Davis faculty and staff. Read article.
- UC Davis signed a new agreement with the São Paulo Research Foundation to offer faculty members rare seed money for collaborative research in the humanities and social sciences. This was the first of UC Davis' more than 150 working agreements with international institutions in 40 countries to offer seed money for collaboration in the humanities and social sciences. Read article.
- The Provost’s Forum on the Public University and the Social Good featured Dr. Allan Goodman, President and CEO of the Institute of International Education, speaking on, From Mandalay to Memorial Union: How Public Universities Keep Dreams Alive. Watch video.
- The Confucius Institute was established at UC Davis and was the first and only institute devoted to Chinese food and beverage culture. The Institute closed in 2020. Read article.
- The Education Abroad Center was renamed UC Davis Study Abroad. Read article.
- Recognized as a Top Producer of Fulbright Scholars (2012-2013).
- Hosted an Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) meeting for Senior International Officers on Engagement with the Pacific Rim. UC Davis was a charter member of APRU, founded in 1997, and we continue to play an active role.
- William B. Lacy stepped down after 15 years as vice provost of University Outreach and International Programs. Under his tenure, the number of UC Davis students who study abroad increased 270 percent and nearly 550 agreements of cooperation were signed with universities and other institutions in 79 countries. Read article
- Adrienne Martin was appointed interim vice provost of University Outreach and International Programs. Read article.
- UC Davis renamed its University Outreach and International Programs office to Global Affairs.
- A groundbreaking ceremony was held for the UC Davis International Center.
- Joanna Regulska hired to lead UC Davis Global Affairs. Read article.
- Opened the UC Davis-Chile Life Sciences Innovation Center in Santiago, Chile, under the leadership of Founding Executive Director Alan Bennett, distinguished professor of plant sciences. Read article.
- Launched iGlobal, the first web-based form for international students and scholars. Read article.
- Global Affairs hosted the first International Connections Reception. Read article.
- Became a host university for the Mandela Washington Fellowship, the flagship of the Young African Leaders Initiative. Read article.
- Hosted the inaugural Latin American Partnerships Symposium at UC Davis, sponsored by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and NAFSA: Association of International Educators.
- Celebrated the International Center's grand opening. Read article.
- Released a five-year strategic plan, Interconnecting All, proposing a bold new agenda for UC Davis that envisions Global Affairs as a strong hub for international and global engagement. Read plan.
- UC Davis used a $500,000 core grant from the Ford Foundation to develop Article 26 Backpack, a cloud-based “ecosystem” to help refugees and other vulnerable young people reclaim their education under the leadership of Keith Watenpaugh, Professor and Director of Human Rights Studies. Read article.
- Former President of the People’s Republic of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski, shared global and local insights with his lecture on “Dilemmas of European Integration following Brexit.” Read article.
- The UC Davis Arab Region (UCDAR) Consortium transitioned to Global Affairs. UCDAR was founded in 2001 by Suad Joseph, distinguished research professor of Anthropology and Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies.
- UC Davis hosted the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board for their fall board meeting during International Education Week.
- Hired UC Davis’ first Travel Security Manager.
- Recognized as a Gilman Top Producing Institution (2016-17).
- Launched the Faculty and Staff Ambassador Program.
- Initiated the Curriculum Enhancement Through Global Learning Program. Read article.
- Liliana Ferrer (‘87) received the Emil M. Mrak International Award from the Cal Aggie Alumni Association. Among other positions, she served as consul general of Mexico in San Francisco. Read article.
- Hosted Consul General Luo Linquan of China in San Francisco, who spoke on the Belt and Road Initiative. Read article.
- Developed the first international travel policy among the UC campuses to ensure the health, safety and security of university travelers.
- Hosted an International Research Conference with over 200 participants from 22 countries and 15 states to develop innovative strategies for international research. Read article.
- UC Davis joined Universitas 21 (U21), an international network of research-intensive universities committed to internationalization and multinational collaboration. Read article.
- Formed the Global Affairs Advisory Council to help promote and support our mission and priorities.
- Recognized as a Millennium Fellowship Campus Hub, a selective leadership development program that engages students in creating more awareness of and action upon the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- Led UC Davis’ first Campus Global Theme: Food for Thought: Feeding Ourselves, Feeding the Planet. Read article.
- Launched the Global Learning Hub, where every student can find global learning opportunities on campus, in the region, virtually and internationally. Read article.
- Former U.S. Ambassador and chair of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Jeffrey Bleich spoke to UC Davis graduating international students on global exchange in the digital world. Read article.
- Initiated the Global Education for All Fellowship, a campuswide student committee to further develop and implement Global Education for All, where students work on special projects in teams, receive professional development support and network with leaders across campus. Read article.
- Launched inaugural Grants for Advancing Sustainable Development Goals, team-focused grants of up to $7,500 to fund locally executed and internationally-oriented, multi-disciplinary programs that enhance UC Davis’ connections to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Read article.
- Created the UC Davis Global Strategy Advisory Committee.
- Unveiled a Global Connections Database to bring together faculty collaborations and institutional partnerships.
- Recognized as a Top Producer of Fulbright Students (2018-19).
- Recognized as a Gilman Top Producing Institution (2018-19).
- Launched the Global Learning Conference to support students in leveraging their global perspectives in today’s interconnected world.
- UC Davis was awarded the Senator Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Campus Internationalization from NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Read article.
- Established the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Internship as an opportunity for undergraduate students to gain knowledge and professional skills by engaging with the SDGs.
- Initiated Global Learning Seminars for students to explore cultural diversity and learn about global challenges in partnership with Undergraduate Education’s First-Year Seminars.
- UC Davis ranked number one for diversity and internationalization in the QS World University Rankings: USA. Read article.
- UC Davis and the Institute of International Education presented The Future of International Education: Leadership Perspectives from Around the World, a five-part series of leadership conversations about the future of international education, including the role internationalization has in advancing university missions. Read article.
- Pivoted to ensure global engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read article.
- The Association of Pacific Rim Universities launched the Asia-Pacific Women in Leadership (APWiL) Mentoring Program, led by co-chairs from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and UC Davis. Read article.
- Implemented the inaugural UC Davis Forums on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in partnership with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Office of Sustainability. Read article.
- Revamped our annual Study Abroad Fair into a more comprehensive Global Learning Fair, where the UC Davis community explores various global opportunities and funding resources.
- UC Davis received the Platinum Institutional Award for Global Learning, Research and Engagement from the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities. Read article.
- Launched a virtual Connecting with the World: UC Davis Global Conversation Series to explore global topics, challenges and opportunities that merge disciplines, cross borders and connect audiences with the world.
- Debuted a Global Engagement Opportunity Living and Learning Community in partnership with Student Housing in Student Affairs to provide first-year students an opportunity to engage in cross-cultural exchange and collaboratively learn about and address global challenges.
- Global Education for All became a Provost Priority and campus goal to provide all UC Davis undergraduate, graduate and professional students with global learning experiences that prepare them for the opportunities and challenges of today and tomorrow.
- Recognized as a Top Producer of Fulbright Scholars (2019-2020).
- Recognized as a Top Producer of Peace Corps Volunteers.
- Established a task force on diversity, equity and inclusion. Read article.
- Scot Marciel (international relations, ’81) received the Emil M. Mrak International Award from the Cal Aggie Alumni Association. Among other positions, he was the first U.S. ambassador to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Read article.
- William B. Lacy, Professor Emeritus Human Ecology and Vice Provost Emeritus for University Outreach and International Programs, retired. Watch interview.
- A new fund was established to support students advancing local and global LGBTQIA+ rights by former UC Davis Provost Ralph Hexter and his husband, Manfred Kollmeier. Read article.
- Chancellor Gary S. May reaffirmed UC Davis’ commitment to a better planet by joining university leaders around the world in statements calling for action on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Read article.
- UC Davis ranked number one for diversity and internationalization in the QS World University Rankings: USA. Read article.
- Selected to participate in the inaugural Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards program as one of four universities in the U.S. and the only West Coast institution to participate in the scholarship program. Read article.
- Joined the Sister2Sister program as a partner institution to give young women STEM students from Pakistan the opportunity to study and grow as leaders. Read article.
- Released the first-ever Voluntary University Review of Global Sustainable Development Goals, which measures progress, highlights campus strengths, and presents key findings within a globally recognized framework. Read article.
- Revamped the Global Studies minor.
- Launched the Global Community Emergency Fund to provide direct support to members of the UC Davis community who have an urgent and immediate financial need related to natural disasters, humanitarian crises and other circumstances.
- Led UC Davis’ second Campus Global Theme, Transformative Energies: Repowering and Empowering the Planet. Read article.
- Established Becoming a Global Learner Leadership Series in partnership with the Association of Pacific Rim Universities.
- Chancellor Gary S. May and Provost Mary Croughan committed $50,000 to help bring visiting scholars from Afghanistan to join the UC Davis community.
- Recognized as a Gilman Top Producing Institution (2020-21).
- Recognized as a 20-Year Top Producer of Gilman Scholars. Since 2001, 282 students received Gilman awards. Read article.
- The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor and Global Affairs hosted a symposium, Achieving Sustainable and Inclusive Development, featuring UC Davis faculty experts and a keynote address by Dr. Mari Elka Pangestu, Ph.D. ’86, World Bank managing director of development policy and partnerships.
- Welcomed the inaugural Fulbright Chair from Brazil, who brought research on child nutrition in the Amazon to UC Davis. Read article.
- International and Academic English joined Global Affairs. Read article.
- Hosted Prasetyo Hadi, head of mission, Mahmudin Nur Al-Gozaly, consul for information and socio-cultural affairs, and Cindy Claudia German, socio-cultural officer, from the Consulate General of Indonesia in San Francisco to celebrate the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards participants and UC Davis’ collaboration with Indonesian universities. Read article.
- Released the UC Davis Student Guide to the SDGs, written by SDG interns to raise awareness about the SDGs and showcase how students can get involved.
- Recognized as a Gilman Top Producing Institution (2021-22).
- Mari Elka Pangestu (Ph.D., economics, ’86) received the Emil M. Mrak International Award from the Cal Aggie Alumni Association. Among other positions, she served as a Minister in the Government of Indonesia. Read article.
- The Academic Affairs Annual Call introduced an optional Statement of Contributions to Public and Global Impact that faculty can now include in their merit and promotion dossiers. Learn more.
- Released a new five-year strategic plan, Toward a Just, Resilient and Interconnected World. Read article.
- UC Davis co-sponsored the APEC University Leaders' Forum with UC Santa Cruz and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities, which focused on Investing in Tomorrow’s Biodiversity. Read article.
- Awarded 59 free passports to UC Davis undergraduate students through the U.S. Passport Grant Program, thanks in part to the generosity of a unique gift from the Patrick and Cecelia Sullivan Family Foundation. Read Article.
- Established the Peter and Marion London Global Learning Innovation Award to support an annual project led by one or more UC Davis students who partner and engage with Nepali and/or Tibetan students on a project with a strong public benefit related to sustainable development for disadvantaged communities.
- Recognized as a Top Producer of Fulbright Students (2022-23).
- Hosted an Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) Thematic Forum, where higher education representatives shared approaches to advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Read article.
- Cathy and Bob Kerr (former assistant vice provost, University Outreach and International Programs) received the Distinguished Friends of the University Award from the Cal Aggie Alumni Association. Among other notable contributions, they have been champions of global engagement, creating scholarships to support student involvement. Read article.
- Published a book, Global Goals, Global Education: Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, edited by Jolynn Shoemaker, director of global engagements and Joanna Regulska, vice provost and dean at UC Davis Global Affairs. Read article.
- Received a $1 million gift from Mary Puma and Eivind Lange III ’77, a UC Davis alum and a trustee of the UC Davis Foundation’s Global Campaign Leadership Council for seven years, and a member of the Global Affairs Advisory Council, will support research programs in Italy for UC Davis students and faculty. Read article.
- Released the City of Sacramento Voluntary Local Review on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a significant UC Davis and City of Sacramento collaborative endeavor to assess and advance the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This city-university project aligns the SDGs to Sacramento’s 2040 General Plan and Climate Action & Adaptation Plan and offers an overview of the City’s progress towards the SDGs.