Congratulations to our 2017-18 Seed Grant Recipients
Partnering with UC Davis colleges and schools, Global Affairs provides Seed Grants for International Activities to faculty taking on innovative research, service, and engagement projects around the world.

Brian Bird (and Woutrina Smith)
New One Health Research and Training Collaborations in Tanzania: Rift Valley Fever Virus Ecology (Tanzania)
One Health Institute, School of Veterinary Medicine
Katharine Burnett (and Robert Hackman, William John Lucas)
Advancing International Partnerships with the UC Davis Global Tea Initiative (Taiwan, China, India)
Art History, College of Letters and Science (and Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and Plant Biology, College of Biological Sciences)
Enkhmaa Byambaa (and Bayasgalan Tumenbayar)
Evaluation and comparison of insulin resistance markers among Mongolians (Mongolia)
Internal Medicine, School of Medicine
Ladson Hinton
Strengthening the primary healthcare system to care for an aging population in Vietnam (Vietnam)
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine
William Horwath (and Woutrina Smith, Sanjai Parikh)
Sustainable and Ethical Food and Nutrition Systems through a Planetary Health Lens (Australia, Scotland)
Land, Air and Water Resources, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (and Medicine and Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, and Land, Air and Water Resources, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences)
David Kyle (and David Orzechowicz)
World in a Cup: Understanding Coffee Cultures through the Sociological Imagination (Nicaragua, Brazil, Mexico, Vietnam, Ecuador)
Sociology, College of Letters and Science
Jason Moore
Influence of Culture on Mechanical Design: A Proposal For an Undergraduate Exchange and Design Competition Between Japanese and American Students (Japan)
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering
Maurice Ernest Pitesky (and Deb Niemeier, Nancy Erbstein)
Mapping Ex-Urban Backyard Poultry Operations and Potential Opportunities in Nepal with Youth: Toward Improving Profitability, Coop Construction, Disease Control and Communication between Household Farmers and Academic Stakeholders (Nepal)
Veterinary Medicine Extension, School of Veterinary Medicine (and Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, and Human Ecology, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences)
William D. Ristenpart (and Irwin Donis-Gonzalez)
Establishing a Coffee Center Field Station in Jinotega, Nicaragua (Nicaragua)
Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering (and Biological and Agricultural Engineering, College of Engineering)
Charles Walker (and Michael Lazzara, Marian Schlotterbeck)
Teaching Memory and Human Rights in the Americas (Chile, Peru)
History, College of Letters and Science (and Spanish and Portuguese, College of Letters and Science, and History, College of Letters and Science)
Carrie Waterman
From California To East Africa: Building Collaborations for Innovative Agricultural and Health Development (Kenya, Mauritius)
Nutrition, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Jiayi Young (and Timothy Hyde, James Crutchfield)
Interdisciplinary Frontiers: Art, Design, Science, Technology, and Society (France)
Design, College of Letters and Science (and Art Studio, College of Letters and Science, and Physics, College of Letters and Science)