Travel Contacts

UC Davis Travel Contacts

With UC Davis students, faculty, and staff actively studying, researching and collaborating worldwide, there are hundreds of UC Davis travelers at any given time. Global Affairs is committed to providing travel resources and tips for safe and productive trips.

UC Davis Travel Security

  • Travel Security at UC Davis can answer a wide variety of questions in regard to travel.
  • Can assist in setting up travel plans including security assessments and communication plans.
  • Review all trips upon request for a risk assessment and recommend risk mitigation steps.
  • UC Davis Travel Security can be contacted at (530) 752-4129 or

UC Davis Travel Medicine Program

  • UC Davis employees can participate in the Travel Medicine Program
  • The Travel Medicine Program can obtain free immunizations required for travel.
  • The program also provides detailed health reports.
  • The Travel Medicine program can be contacted at (530) 752-6051

UC Davis Office of Research

UC Davis Field Research Safety

  • The Field Research Safety program provides resources, training, equipment and guidance to support researchers working outdoors.
  • The Field Research Safety team also provides equipment loans including satellite communication devices for travelers in remote locations.
  • UC Davis Field Research Safety can be contacted at (530) 752-1493 or

Emergency Contact Information and Guidance

UC Davis Police Department Dispatch Center

In the event of an emergency abroad, the UC Davis Police Department’s Dispatch Center can be reached 24 hours per day at +1-530-752-1230.

Calls to the UC Davis Police Department Dispatch Center involving international incidents are then routed to UC Davis incident response personnel. If you are calling on behalf of someone else, have as much information about the person(s) involved and/or incident as possible such as: 

  • The nature of the emergency/incident
  • The current condition of the person(s) involved
  • The person’s affiliation (e.g., student, staff, faculty, researcher) and department
  • Methods/reliability of future communication with the affected individual(s)

UnitedHealthcare Global

If you are traveling on university business and involved in an incident abroad, the emergency contact number for UnitedHealthcare Global is +1-410-453-6330. UnitedHealthcare Global can assist with:

  • medical issues;
  • legal referral services;
  • emergency cash advances;
  • translation/interpretation assistance;
  • emergency evacuation in the event of an extreme weather, security, or medical event;
  • and a number of other critical services.

When contacting UnitedHealthcare Global, identify yourself as affiliated with the University of California, Davis, and have your insurance number ready. Register travel (or book travel via AggieTravel/Connexxus) to receive a UnitedHealthcare Global insurance card via an email from Worldcue® Traveler.

Study Abroad Emergency Contact Information 

The 24-hour emergency phone number for UC Davis Study Abroad programs is: +1-530-752-1230. Please find emergency information for participating students on the Study Abroad website.

Emergency information and additional safety and security information is also available or UC Davis students participating in study abroad programs administered by the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP). The 24-hour emergency phone number for UCEAP is: +1-805-893-4762.