Faculty are key to advancing UC Davis' mission through global research, teaching, and service. Global Affairs offers programs, funding, and resources that support UC Davis faculty in achieving their goals in every corner of the world.
Teaching Resources and Opportunities

Teaching for Global Learning
The Teaching for Global Learning workshop series provides tools for UC Davis faculty members across all disciplines to tailor their course content, teaching techniques, and students’ experiences to current global challenges and opportunities.

First-Year Seminars: Global Learning Seminars
Global Learning Seminars, within the First-Year Seminars program, provide faculty the opportunity to assist first-year students in exploring cultural diversity and global challenges while developing awareness and critical thinking skills that will help students thrive in an interconnected world.

Global Learning Outcomes
UC Davis is working towards Global Education for All, aiming to provide 100% of students—undergraduate, graduate and professional—with global learning experiences that prepare them to succeed in an interconnected world. Global learning cultivates skills, knowledge, networks, and attitudes tied to three Global Learning Outcomes: building global awareness, embracing linguistic and cultural diversity, and acting globally.
Global Affairs Grants

Seed Grants for International Activities
Partnering with UC Davis colleges and schools and the Office of Research, Global Affairs provides Seed Grants for International Activities to faculty taking on innovative research and engagement projects around the world.

Grants for Advancing Sustainable Development Goals
These are team-based faculty grants that fund globally oriented multi-disciplinary activities such as lectures, workshops and community-based projects that highlight and enhance UC Davis’ connections to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Global Affairs Professional Resources and Opportunities

International Agreements and Partnerships
UC Davis has over 150 active Agreements of Cooperation and Memoranda of Understanding with international partner institutions in more than 45 countries. These agreements are built on the initiative of faculty members who serve as “champions” for the partnerships. The International Agreement Proposal and Approval Process support faculty interested in pursuing a collaboration with an international university partner.

Merit and Promotion Guidance for Globally Engaged Scholars
In August 2023, the Academic Affairs “Annual Call” introduced an optional Statement of Contributions to Public and Global Impact that faculty can now include in their merit and promotion dossiers.
Global Affairs Awards

Chancellor's Awards for International Engagement
The Chancellor's Awards for International Engagement recognize UC Davis faculty and staff members for outstanding international engagement in carrying out the university’s mission of teaching, research, and service.

Excellence in Teaching for Global Learning Awards
The Excellence in Teaching for Global Learning Award, a partnership of Global Affairs and the Academic Senate, recognizes the commitment of UC Davis instructors who go above and beyond to make impactful global learning experiences accessible to UC Davis students.

International Connections Reception
Every spring, Global Affairs invites the UC Davis community to celebrate international engagement and awards, network with colleagues, and make connections with others working globally.
More Funding Opportunities

Fulbright Program Opportunities
The Fulbright Program offers a range of research and professional exchange opportunities in over 130 countries for faculty and staff, and it brings international scholars and students to UC Davis for collaborations that transform the campus community and build bridges to all parts of the world.
More Information

Esther Luna DeLozier
Assistant Director of Partnerships and Faculty Engagement
Global Affairs
(530) 574-8545