Guiding Development and Implementation
To guide further development and implementation of Global Education for All, Global Affairs has convened a campuswide Steering Committee whose members engage with each school and college, as well as the student body, Academic Senate, Academic Federation, Staff Assembly, and other key units supporting student life and learning.
Steering Committee
- Joanna Regulska, Global Affairs, Co-Chair
- Nancy Erbstein, Global Education, Global Affairs, Co-Chair
- Linda Amrou, Global Affairs
- Eleftheria Arapoglou, Academic Federation
- Eliot Atekwana, College of Letters and Science
- Norkamari Shakira Bandolin, Human Health Sciences and School of Medicine
- Ken Barnes, Student Affairs and Campus Diversity/Internship and Career Center
- Lian Boos, Director, Center for Student Involvement
- Whitney Cheung, Office of Research
- Paulina Crook, School of Veterinary Medicine
- Darnel Degand, School of Education
- Aliki Dragona, Global Learning Hub, Global Affairs
- Susan Ebeler, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
- Kerry Hasa, Staff Assembly
- Milmon Harrison, Undergraduate Education
- Heather Hether, UC Davis Academic Senate/Continuing and Professional Education
- Jacob Hosier, Continuing and Professional Education
- Chimène Keitner, School of Law
- Michael Lazzara, Academic Programs and Partnerships, Global Affairs
- Paula Levitt, Global Affairs
- Mayra Llamas, Community Resource and Retention Centers
- Ali Loge, Global Affairs
- Inger Maher, Graduate School of Management
- Alesia McManus, Library
- Stacey Muse, Public Scholarship and Engagement
- Christopher Nguyen, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Nicole Rabaud, Graduate Education and Graduate Studies
- Erika Reynolds, Student Affairs and Campus Diversity/Student Development
- Andrew Shiotani, Global Affairs
- Joseph T. Sorensen, College of Letters and Science
- Laura L Van Auker, School of Nursing
- Mikael Villalobos, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Nicole M Wood, Undergraduate Advising
- Philipp Zerbe, College of Biological Sciences
More Information
- Visit our Global Education for All resources to find out more about the initiative.
- Learn more about giving opportunities.
- Meet our current Global Education for All Fellows.
Contact Information

Nancy Erbstein, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Provost of Global Education, Global Affairs
(530) 754-6913