Cultivating Global Learning Through Course Curricula
Are you interested in learning creative strategies to design courses that prepare your students to live, work, and lead in a globalized world?
Do you have a course you’d like to infuse with a global perspective, possibly aligning it with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, develop as a new globally-focused course, or explore global dimensions within the local context?
About the Program
The Global Affairs Teaching for Global Learning program, part of the university-wide Global Education for All initiative, provides UC Davis faculty with concrete tools for globalizing their teaching and preparing students to engage across cultural and geographic boundaries.
The program offers UC Davis faculty from all disciplines, colleges, and schools the opportunity to make their course content, teaching techniques, and students’ experiences responsive to current global challenges and opportunities. It assists faculty in developing global learning frameworks that are grounded in theory and have measurable outcomes.
Launched in fall 2018, the Teaching for Global Learning program (formerly known as Curriculum Enhancement for Global Learning) has a proven track record of success in cultivating cohorts of campus educators who become ambassadors for global learning at UC Davis and who share their knowledge, experiences, and skills with colleagues long after the program ends.
Call for Applications
Global Affairs seeks applications from Academic Senate and Academic Federation faculty members with full-time appointments who teach degree-seeking students from all UC Davis schools and colleges.
The selected group (capped at 10 participants) will meet four times during the spring quarter to explore avenues for globalizing the student experience. Program participants will have the opportunity to:
- Develop global learning outcomes and assessments for any course, regardless of subject matter or discipline
- Infuse courses with interactive learning strategies for global content
- Apply diverse perspectives to course materials
- Learn how technology can be employed to internationalize the curriculum
- Review examples of curriculum internationalization across all disciplines
Please note: It remains the responsibility of individual faculty members to ensure that any changes to course curricula are approved through the appropriate academic and administrative channels, whenever applicable.
Spring 2025 Workshop Dates:
- Friday, April 11, 2:30-5:00
- Friday, May 2, 2:30-5:00
- Friday, May 16, 2:30-5:00
- Friday, June 6, 2:30-5:00
Program Application Details
Submit your program application through the online form by March 3, 2025 Monday, February 17, 2025.
Participation Guidelines
Participants commit to a series of four in-person meetings, each approximately 2.5 hours long, during spring quarter. Meetings will be held at the International Center on the Davis campus. Since this is a learning community, participants are expected to prepare for and engage actively in each session.
UC Davis Academic Senate and Academic Federation faculty members from all UC Davis locations with full-time appointments who teach degree-seeking UC Davis students are eligible. The 2025 faculty cohort will be capped at 10 participants.
Paired Applications
Faculty should apply individually, but we encourage multiple applications from the same academic department, college, or school. Applying with a partner or partners helps to create localized nuclei of expertise on campus for increased global learning impact. If you choose to apply with one or more partners, please indicate your partner’s or partners’ name(s) on your application.
Faculty members who complete the program will receive $300 in Academic Enrichment Funds to assist them in adapting their course(s) to incorporate global learning. Additionally, faculty members who enroll and complete the Teaching for Global Learning program will be eligible to apply for the Peter and Marion London Global Expansion Grant Program, which will provide awards of up to $3,000, to integrate and support global activities in the curriculum. You can find more information about the grant and the call here.
Program Cohorts
2022-23 Program Cohort
Congratulations to the cohort of faculty who took part in the program during the 2022-23 academic year, coming together from across UC Davis. See the full list.

2020-21 Program Cohort
Congratulations to the cohort of faculty who took part in the program during the 2020-21 academic year, coming together from across UC Davis. See the full list.

2019-20 Program Cohort
Congratulations to the cohort of faculty who took part in the program during the 2019-20 academic year, coming together from across UC Davis. See the full list.

2018-19 Program Cohort
Congratulations to the inaugural cohort of faculty who took part in the program during the 2018-19 academic year, coming together from across UC Davis. See the full list.

More Information

Aliki Dragona
Faculty Director, Academic Programs
Global Learning Hub, Global Affairs
(530) 752-5634

Esther Luna DeLozier
Assistant Director of Partnerships and Faculty Engagement
Global Affairs
(530) 574-8545