University of Newcastle
Faculty Host: Axel Borg
Faculty Host Contact: aeborg@ucdavis.edu
Dr Julie McIntyre is a Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Newcastle, Australia. As an undergraduate she received a university medal from Newcastle before proceeding to a PhD at the University of Sydney, completed in 2009. Julie has published widely on the social, economic and environmental role of winegrowing in Australia, including two award winning books. She is a leader in international and interdisciplinary wine studies in the humanities and social sciences, and frequently presents her research to industry and public as well as academic audiences. Her next project is a global history of Australia for Princeton University Press to be published in 2023.
Julie will be at the Shields Library at UC Davis from November 2019 to February 2020 researching the faculty papers of the late Viticulture & Enology (V&E) Department grape scientist Dr Harold Olmo. The Shields Library holds the world’s largest collections of books and manuscripts on wine history. Dr Olmo’s papers are a key to understanding scientific development and knowledge transfer between America and Australia from the 1950s to the 1970s that led to Australia’s early dominance of wine export in a globalising marketplace from the 1990s. In February she will convene the third international conference on wine studies at UC Davis, a meeting of visitors together with Davis humanists and scientists, focused on the theme Wine in the Anthropocene.
Last updated: 2019