Samaneh Seifollahi Aghmiuni

Humphrey Portrait

Ms. Samaneh Seifollahi-Aghmiuni has specialized in water resources management throughout her career. In the past 9 years, she has worked as a water resources expert, cooperating on different kinds of water projects including diversion dam design, water reservoir operation, urban water supply, and meteorology and hydrology studies. In addition, she has extensive experience in water resources modeling (developing and using professional software) and operating urban water distribution networks.

Ms. Seifollahi-Aghmiuni holds a PhD of Science in Water Resources Management from the University of Tehran, Iran where she was awarded Best PhD Research Student at the 24thResearch Festival (2015) and also International Day Festival (2014). As an academic, she has published more than 20 papers and two scientific books in international and local presses and worked as a teacher’s assistant in the University of Tehran for 7 years.

Ms. Seifollahi-Aghmiuni’s current research and work interests include hydrology, surface water resources conservation, and software development for water resources modeling. She believes that optimum and efficient consumption of water resources is an important factor in her country’s development as long as their quality and quantity are simultaneously preserved at a desirable level. 

Last updated: 2016

Water Resources Engineer in Iran

Program Type

