German Canton

German smiles in a navy blue quarter zip with farmland in the background.

Germán José Cantón has a Veterinary Medicine degree from the National University of the Center of Buenos Aires Province (UNCPBA, Argentina) in 2004. In 2003, he finished the Residency in Animal Health at the National Institute of Agricultura Technology (INTA) in Balcarce, Argentina, where he graduated as a Specialist in Animal Health. In 2013, he finished his Ph.D. at the University of Edinburgh (UK), where he studied the immune-pathogenesis of bovine Neosporosis, one of the most prevalent causes of abortions in cattle.


Nowadays, he is a Professional Researcher at INTA in Balcarce and is the Chief of the Veterinary Diagnostic Service and the Head of the Residency of Animal Health. He also participates in different research projects focusing on the causes of reproductive losses of ruminants. Currently, he is coordinating the National Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories Network of INTA.

He has published research works in different journals ( ) and presented scientific abstracts and lectures at national and international conferences.

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