About Baigalmaa Chinbat
Country: Mongolia
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Program: Renewable energy, carbon market trading and sustainable financing.
Baigalmaa Chinbat is a sustainable finance professional with more than 15 years of experience in the renewable energy and financial and accounting areas. Her working experience includes public-private partnerships and finance planning of renewable energy projects and trading in the carbon markets. She also engages closely with professional accounting organizations to implement international financial reporting standards nationwide.
In the last decade, Baigalmaa worked at the Clean Energy LLC, where she managed the entire financial operation of the Mongolian first wind farm, named Salkhit Wind Farm. She cooperated closely with shareholders and lenders, government representatives and other stakeholders of the projects to overcome the challenges faced by the project. Moreover, Baigalmaa has worked for a number of professional and international organizations, including Mongolian Institute of CPAs, Geodynamics Limited and Cardno Emerging Markets.
Baigalmaa holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting from the Mandakh University, Mongolia and a Master of Business degree in sustainability from the University of Queensland, Australia. She is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) of both CPA Australia and CPA Mongolia. Earlier this year, she advanced to Fellow Certified Public Accountant (FCPA) of CPA Australia based on her leading role and contribution in the financing and accounting field.
As a Humphrey fellow at UC Davis, Baigalmaa plans to expand her knowledge in the sustainable and green financing area to allow more opportunities for businesses to work in an environmentally friendly way. Also, she would like to study more about the low-carbon economy to find solutions to climate change issues and create value for a better society.
Available to speak on topics including:
- Sustainable and green financing
- Investment opportunities and challenges in renewable energy
- Carbon market trading and regulations
- Financial management and policy
- ESG and its role in corporate governance
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