Espérance Nzabamwita Ngamije

Humphrey Portrait

Ms. Ngamije has a BSc. in Agriculture General from the University of Sierra Leone. She has worked as an extension worker from 1989-1996 in Uganda, the Republic of Congo and Rwanda in both animal and crop production. She worked in Rwanda as a policy maker from 1997-2002 in the Fisheries Division and as the head of the Animal Production Division, where she was also in charge of training in the Extension Department. For the last four years Ms. Ngamije has joined the private sector as a Coordinator of the Dufatanye Cooperative, which brings Rwandan agricultural products to the market. As a Humphrey Fellow, Ms. Ngamije plans to increase her knowledge and professional skills in sustainable development, specifically looking at a market-oriented horticultural commodity chain.

Last updated: 2008

Coordinator for Dufatanye Cooperative in Rwanda

Program Type

