Humphrey Portrait

Ms. Shaon received her Master’s degree in Geophysics from the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute. Upon her return home, she served Grant Geophysical Inc., a U.S.-based seismic survey company, as a technical coordinator. Presently she is working at the Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) as a deputy manager. Her current responsibility is to monitor the exploration and production activities of the international oil companies working in Bangladesh under Production Sharing Contracts. She is also actively involved in the project for implementation of the United Nation’s Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) undertaken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh. As a Humphrey Fellow, Ms. Shaon would like to develop her knowledge in the field of natural resource management using GIS, economic and environmental impact of resource management and planning development projects. She would also like to focus on energy policies, acts and regulations in order to enhance her capacity of energy management.

Last updated: 2005

Deputy Manager (Geophysics) of the Exploration and Development Division at the Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation

Program Type

