Jorge Andrés Forero González

Forero Gonzalez Headshot
Agriculture and Rural Development

Jorge Andrés Forero-González is ethnic Muisca from Boyacá Colombia. He has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from National University of Colombia, a certification in Organic Agriculture from Consejeros en Agricultura Sostenible y Permacultura (COAS), Colombia, and has begun a master’s in Political Science at the University of the Andes. He has 10 years of experience in the public sector, specializing in urban and rural youth programs, human rights advocacy, social movements, and non-profit management. Mr. Forero-González works in the Colectivo Agrario Abya Yala as a researcher, writer, and consultant focusing on environmental and land conflicts in Colombia and Latin América.

Currently, he is working on high level forums with Indigenous Peoples, the Afro-Colombian community (CENPAZ Coordinación Étinca Nacional de Paz [National Ethnic Coordination of Peace]), and the agricultural/campesinas community to create a process for implementing the peace agreement signed in 2016.

During his Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship year at UC Davis, he is focusing on the relationship between the Suma Kawsay (Rural Development and Peace Building efforts), and designing public policies shaped by new perspectives in urban and regional planning. Mr. Forero-González has a global vision to identify solutions to the drug trafficking problem within the current peace agreement implementation in Colombia to change the global perspective. 

Available for:

  • Speaking on a technical topic (peace process implementation in Colombia, rural development and regional planning)
  • Speaking on a cultural topic 
  • Formal classroom visit
  • Informal classroom visit
  • Meeting with student groups
  • Meeting with individual professors/ researchers

Last updated: 2018
Technical and Political Advisor, CENPAZ Coordinación Étinca Nacional de Paz [National Ethnic Coordination of Peace]

Program Type

