About Gunay Hasanova
Country: Azerbaijan
Pronouns: she/her
Gunay Hasanova graduated with bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Baku State University in Azerbaijan with honors, with specialties in hydrology and climatology. She has 15 years of experience at governmental institutions in field water management, forecast of weather and surface water, and production of energy from water resources. She also worked for four years as a lecturer. She currently works as a senior specialist at Hydraulic Service in Electricity Generating Operation at “Azerenergy” OJSC.
In addition, Gunay worked as Azerbaijan climate change and hydrology expert at UNDP GEF Kura Project “Advancing Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) across the Kura river basin through the implementation of the transboundary agreed actions and national plans.”
She was the winner of the Stimulation of Earth Observation for Sustainable Development of Azerbaijan Project for 2018-2019 of “Azercosmos” OJSC (Space Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan) on the project "Prediction of snow-water resources for the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus using high-resolution digital elevation models."
As a Humphrey Fellow at UC Davis, Gunay's research aims to explore how the U.S. sustainably and efficiently uses natural resources, especially water resources. In addition, she would like to improve her skills in GIS and remote sensing, hydrology engineering models and early warning systems, and gaining this experience, she wants to apply it to her own country.
Available to speak on the following topics:
- Assessing the impact of water resources in Azerbaijan's energy sector
- How the management of natural resources, water policy in the country, and difficulties in interdepartmental coordination have led to water shortages in Azerbaijan
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