Humphrey Portrait

Dr. Liu Guozhi received her Ph D in International Law from the University of Politics and Law of China. She joined the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) of China in July 2002. She assists with the contact and cooperation between China and intergovernmental environmental organizations, especially the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Her responsibilities include assisting with preparing position papers for Chinese Delegations, and going to key international environmental conferences and negotiations. She is also responsible for assisting in the establishment of research groups on some crucial issues in the field of international environmental protection and development. As a Humphrey Fellow, Dr. Liu would like to know about how the U.S. government develops its positions and policies in the field of international environmental protection and development; and also how it implements its obligations under the multilateral environmental agreements to which it is a party. She hopes to establish closer professional contact with her counterparts in the USA.

Last updated: 2005

Senior Programme Officer for the Division of International Organizations in the Department of International Cooperation and member of the State Environmental Protection Administration

Program Type

