Humphrey Portrait

Ms. Maria C. Forero is lawyer from the School of Law at Libre University, in Barranquilla, Colombia, and a member of the Colombian Bar Association since 1999. In 2000 she specialized in the field of Responsibility and Damage Compensation at Externado University, in Bogotá, Colombia, and in 2003 she obtained her certification as an official legal conciliator of the Colombian Ministry of Justice. She received her Master’s Degree in European Business Law at Francisco de Vitoria University, in Madrid, Spain in 2005. For the last eight years, she has been working as a lawyer for private companies in fields such as civil law, commercial law, administrative law, environmental law, maritime law, contracts, torts, labor regulations, and other components of the Colombian Law. She also has experience in the public sector working for the High Court of Atlantic State. Since 1999, she has held the position of the Director of Legal Department of the Parque Industrial Malambo, the biggest industrial park in Colombia. She will study environmental law during her Humphrey year at UC Davis.

Last updated: 2006

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