Humphrey Portrait

Mr. Arora is a member of the Indian Administrative Service and is currently working as the Director of Agriculture and as the Joint Secretary WTO in the Government of Haryana, India. He holds a master’s degree in Public Administra-tion. Mr. Arora worked in the capacity of Deputy Commissioner Karnal, Joint Secretary Home Department, and the Director of Industries in Goverment of Haryana, India. Throughout his career he has been associated with Institution Building and Institutional Sustainability. As a Humphrey Fellow, Mr. Arora plans to focus on the challenges and opportunities arising out of WTO. He would also like to study the importance of natural resource management and sustainability of agricultural systems in the context of WTO, emphasizing institution building in the agriculture sector of developing countries to meet the challenges in the wake of WTO.

Last updated: 2002

Director of Agriculture

Program Type

