Humphrey Portrait

Mr. Rushomesa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Land Use Planning and Environmental Studies from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He also holds a Master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering (Land Use Planning) and a Professional Master’s degree in Geo-information Systems (GIS) for Rural Applications from Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania and Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences in Enschede, The Netherlands respectively. He currently works in the Environmental Management Unit dealing with environmental planning and management in irrigated agriculture. He has been in the public service for over 15 years. During his Humphrey year, Mr. Rushomesa plans to strengthen his knowledge and skills in the field of environmental impact assessment, disaster management in agriculture, and use of GIS in water resources development. He would also like to have professional attachment to organizations in the U.S. dealing with environmental assessments and disaster management in agriculture.

Last updated: 2005

Land Use Planner/Senior Agricultural Field Officer for the Division of Irrigation and Technical Services in Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security

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