Headshot of Abdourahamane Sow.

About Abdourahamane Zyggi Sow


Pronouns: he/him/his

Country: Guinea

Abdourahamane SOW is from Guinea, West Africa. He is committed to responsible natural resource sustainable development for net zero achievements and global warming mitigation. 

Abdourahamane holds a master's degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Kankan (Guinea) and specializes in Geographical Information Systems from the University Libre of Brussels (Belgium) and conjointly from the Wits University (South Africa) and James Cook University (Australia). He also attended the Central European Public Policy (SPP) for mining, oil and gas fiscal regime design (getting a good deal) and the Indian National Institute of Labor, Economics, Research and Development (NILERD).

For over seventeen years, Abdourahamane has worked for the Ministry of Mines and Geology as a Senior Officer specializing in GIS and extractives industries' good governance. He led the setup of the country's mining statistics system, contributed to the Guinea Mining Law amendment, mining projects, economic and financial model template elaboration, Local Content policy framework conception and mining infrastructure master plan development (port and railway). He led the GIS component of a USAID-Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development II Guinea, Technical Achievement Award by USAID. Abdourahamane also served as a former Rio Tinto GIS Technical Record Officer at SIMANDOU a world-class Iron Ore project. As a freelance consultant, he oversaw portfolios, negotiated contracts and implemented strategic projects within National and International Institutions projects/programs (government agencies, UN, USAID, AUSAID, GIZ …). He also volunteered with the Junior Chamber International.

Looking ahead, Abdourahamane firmly believes his Hubert H. Humphrey opportunity at UC Davis will provide him with new skills and tools to successfully add real value to tackle global warming upon the completion of his project, which is the formalization of artisanal small-scale mining for net zero achievement.

Email Abdourahamane

Available to Speak About

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Extractive industries development 

Related SDGs

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On a red-orange background are a combined symbol for man and woman with an equal sign in the center of the circle, the number 5 and the words, "Gender Equality"
On a bright blue background are the illustration of a full cup of water with an arrow pointed down, the number 6 and the words, "Clean Water and Sanitation"
On a bright yellow background are an image of a power button with sunrays coming out of it like it's the sun, the number 7, and the words, "Affordable and Clean Energy."
On a deep red background are an illustration of a bar chart trending up, the number 8 and the words "Decent Work and Economic Growth"
On a bright orange background, cubes are stacked one on top, three on the bottom with two at the base being visible. Above the image is the number 9 and the words "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure"
On a magenta background are an equal symbol surrounded with arrowhead symbols pointing out like compass, the number 10, and the words "Reduced Inequalities"
On an orange background are an illustration of four city buildings, the number 11, and the words "Sustainable Cities and Communities""
On a light brown background is an infinity sign with an arrow on the bottom left side indicating it will continue its looping path. Above the image is the number 12 and the words "Responsible Consumption and Production"
On a green background is an illustration of an eye with the global as the iris, the number 13 and the words, "Climate Action."
On a medium blue background is the image of a fish with two wavy lines above it to indicate water. Above the image is the number 14 and the words "Life Below Water"
On a bright green background are the illustration of a tree on land with three birds in the sky, the number 15, and the words, "Life on Land"

Program Type

