Humphrey Portrait

Mr. Nguyen holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineering from Can Tho University, Vietnam, and a Master’s Degree in Environmental Science from Aarhus University, Denmark. He has seven years experience in teaching, research and training at An Giang University. Mr. Nguyen has managed many projects funded by the AUSAID in domestic waste treatment and management, SIDA in environmental education, and DANIDA and UNDP researching the socio-economical and environmental impacts of flood protection dikes in the Mekong River Delta. As a Humphrey Fellow, Mr. Nguyen plans to network with environmental organizations and experts to help manage river, flood and water resources effectively in the Mekong River Delta and to improve the local community.


Last updated: 2007

Head of the Department of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development at the An Giang University in Vietnam

Program Type

