Mr. Thein Htun Hla received his Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Science from the University of Veterinary Science in Pyinmana, Myanmar. Expanding his technical expertise, he worked as a veterinary officer in the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary four years. He is currently working development Coordinator for the Community Development for Remote Townships project, which is funded by UNDP. He works with women and economically disadvantaged groups in the development areas of agriculture, livestock, environment and microfinance, as well as the social sectors of health, education, water and sanitation in selected remote border townships. He designs project plans, implements and monitors the community initiative activities, and evaluates the project impact collaboration with government, community and stakeholders in order to promote sustainable development of the rural community in Myanmar. As a Humphrey Fellow, Mr. Hla will focus on project management, including project design, planning, monitoring and evaluation. He would also like to broaden his knowledge in the areas of women and gender studies and natural resource management.
Last updated: 2006