Sam Oeurn Ke

Humphrey Portrait

Mr. Ke has been working in the field of agricultural and rural development since 2009. He began working for the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) in 2013. He has worked mostly in extension and rural business sectors. He has advanced professional training in Managing Development in Rural Region in Germany and holds a Master of Science in Integrated Management of Agricultural and Rural Development (GIDAR) from Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia.

Mr. Ke has worked with diverse stakeholders in Cambodia, from the national level to local levels. Working with and helping the impoverished communities is his favorite job. He speaks fluent Khmer, English and German. His main focus during the fellowship year will be on Post-harvest management and seed production, specifically tomato seed production. These topics are very important for Cambodia in order to improve its commodity quality and higher yield of agricultural production. Creating new growing techniques is his curiosity! 

Last updated: 2015
Agricultural Value Chain and Rural Business Advisor for the Netherlands Development Organization, Cambodia

Program Type

