Humphrey Portrait

Mr. Xin Liu is the deputy director of the Regional Air Quality Management Division of the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, in which he has worked for 14 years. His work focuses on developing and implementing plans and policies on air pollution control in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region (BTH region). Mr. Liu holds a Masters degree in Environmental Science from the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering in Peking University, China.

Since 2005, he has developed many important air quality management plans which have significantly improved the air quality of the BTH region. He also designed and developed the regional air quality improvement measures for the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing, as well as the measures of Beijing APEC, both of which have proven to be very effective. In 2013, by coordinating 7 provincial governments and 8 ministries, he developed the Office of the BTH Region Air Pollution Control, the first regional office of its kind in China.

During his fellowship year with the Humphrey Program, Mr. Liu will focus on finding more effective and efficient ways of improving the air quality for the BTH Region. Specifically, he wants to learn about environmental law and economic policies and technologies from UC Davis and the California Air Resource Board. He also wants to gain experience working at the Federal EPA and the United Nation Environment Programme, to develop a broader collaboration among different stakeholders.

Last updated: 2017
Deputy Director of the Regional Air Quality Management Division for the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau in China

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