Professor Liang specializes in international trade and development policy, global economic and environmental governance and international negotiation, international political economy of East Asia and Chinese foreign economic policy. Her research and teaching have concentrated on the governance of the national and world economy—how foreign economic policy is made domestically and why governments and international organizations do what do in international economic relations. She has conducted field research in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the United states, in order to learn directly from the policy practitioners. Many institutions have invited her to lecture—in the UK, Switzerland, Brazil, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore as well as the United States. She is a member of International Studies Association, American Political Science Association and former president of Association of Chinese Political Studies (ACPS). Before joining the Institute faculty, she had teaching and research appointments at Florida International University, San Francisco State University and Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE), UC Berkeley, where she did her postdoctoral research. Liang has been a research fellow and visiting professor at Meiji University, Japan and East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore and School of International Studies (SIS), Peking University in China.