Headshot of Papa Arona Diagne.

About Papa Arona Diagne

Pronouns: he/him/his

Country: Senegal

Papa Arona Diagne is a skilled professional with a strong energy sector background, specializing in public procurement, logistics and regulations.

As a public procurement expert, He oversees technical subcommittees, assesses the quality control of evaluations for public tenders, and ensures strict adherence to procurement regulations.

His academic accomplishments include Master's degrees in administration and international exchanges, transportation and logistics, and a bachelor’s in international business, along with relevant certifications and training which showcase his commitment to professional development.

His professional interest is geared toward managing public funds, evaluating general audit techniques, and implementing approved procurement budgets. He looks forward to understanding the impact of the management of public funds in the context of public service. He is eager to learn about improved rules, best practices, and international regulations guiding public procurement in the world’s global economy and how it can be leveraged for the growth of Africa’s Economy.

He is driven, adaptable, and keen to contribute his expertise to the energy industry and beyond.

Email Papa Arona Diagne

Related SDGs

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On a deep red background are an illustration of a bar chart trending up, the number 8 and the words "Decent Work and Economic Growth"
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On a blue background are the illustration of a dove perched on a gavel, the number 16, and the words "Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions"
On a dark blue background are five interlinking circles, the number 17, and the words "Partnership for the Goals"



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