Headshot of Charles Omosa.

About Charles Omosa

Pronouns: he/him/his

Country: Kenya

Charles Omwoyo has more than three years of experience in water and structural engineering. Currently, Charles is a water and structural engineer at Gikone Consulting Engineers and focuses on designing water supply, irrigation, and water storage systems in the arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya. He has also founded the Think Smart Mindset Program, which provides career guidance and mentorship to orphaned children and children from low-income communities. Charles holds a bachelor's degree in Civil and Structural Engineering. He is passionate about using his knowledge and expertise as a water and structural engineer to solve water accessibility challenges in Kenya and Sub-Saharan Africa. After completing the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, Charles plans to improve stakeholder engagement and resource provision in solving water accessibility challenges in Africa.

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Related SDGs

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On a red-orange background are a combined symbol for man and woman with an equal sign in the center of the circle, the number 5 and the words, "Gender Equality"
On a bright blue background are the illustration of a full cup of water with an arrow pointed down, the number 6 and the words, "Clean Water and Sanitation"
On a bright yellow background are an image of a power button with sunrays coming out of it like it's the sun, the number 7, and the words, "Affordable and Clean Energy."



On a green background is an illustration of an eye with the global as the iris, the number 13 and the words, "Climate Action."

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