Humphrey Portrait

Mr. Kelebopile holds an MSC in Renewable Energy Systems Technology from Loughborough University, UK. He works as a senior renewable energy engineer for the Botswana Technology Centre (BOTEC). BOTEC is a research and development institution whose vision is, “to be the best in the innovative application of science and technology for the development of Botswana and her people.” Before he came to the University of California, Davis, he was managing a project on the installation of a solar thermal testing facility. The facility tests solar water heaters according to ISO standards. As a Humphrey Fellow, Mr. Kelebopile will broaden his knowledge and technical expertise in the design and manufacturing considerations for solar water heaters. He will also acquire project management and leadership skills, establish contacts with other professionals in the area of solar water heaters, and carry out a professional affiliation at an institution involved in the testing of solar water heaters.

Last updated: 2004

Senior Renewable Energy Engineer at the Botswana Technology Centre

Program Type

