Humphrey Portrait

Mr. Seye is an electrical engineer who graduated from Polytechique of Montreal in 1995. He obtained his degree in Energetic & Process Control from the University of Paris XII in 1996. He began his career in the Innovation & Research Department of SENELEC, the Senegalese electric utility company. Mr. Seye then joined the Power Generation Division, where he has occupied different positions in the operation and maintenance of electric power plants. Before joining the Humphrey program, he was the head of Field Services. As a Humphrey Fellow, Mr. Seye wishes to learn about energy policy and management with an emphasis on renewable energy and environmental impacts. In addition to academic and professional courses, it is an opportunity for Mr. Seye to meet with state and federal agencies, as well as international organizations dealing with electric energy issues.

Last updated: 2003

Electrical Engineer in the Power Generation Division for the National Electric Utility Company

Program Type

