Message from the Vice Provost and Associate Chancellor: Surveying UC Davis Faculty Expertise with UN Sustainable Development Goals
Dear faculty,
Global Affairs is seeking information on the work of UC Davis faculty and scholars to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs align closely with UC Davis areas of excellence across multiple disciplines, and we are hoping to learn and share about ongoing work at all levels – international and within the U.S., California, and locally.
We hope you will take a few minutes to fill out this brief survey so that we may begin to identify opportunities of interest.
UC Davis has been expanding and deepening its partnerships with organizations that are involved in addressing SDGs, and we have recently joined two networks to support collaboration on these goals: the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (USA) and UN Academic Impact.
The information you provide will help us to connect individual faculty and scholars with relevant opportunities for research, teaching and service, both inside the U.S. and internationally as UC Davis participates in these networks.
We look forward to continuing to share relevant opportunities and updates on our SDG engagement. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to Jolynn Shoemaker, Director of Global Engagements, at jmshoemaker@ucdavis.edu if you would like to discuss or share additional ideas.
Thank you so much in advance.
Best regards,
Joanna Regulska
Vice Provost and Associate Chancellor of Global Affairs
Professor of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
University of California, Davis