Humphrey Portrait

Karim Sissoko holds a Master’s Degree in Education from Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENSUP), the University of Mali. In 1999, after working several years for various private companies and organizations in Mali, Mr. Sissoko was interested in international non-profit organizations. He successfully changed careers with a strong involvement in rural development and food policy. From 2001 to 2004, he produced many studies including, Mil et Sorgho en Chiffres (Millet and Sorghum by Numbers) (2001), Millet and Sorghum Utilization in Mali (2002), Repertoire des Transformateurs de Mil et Sorgho au Mali (Directory of Millet and Sorghum Processors in Mali) (2004). Until recently, Mr. Sissoko was the Communication and Information Officer at Sasakawa Global 2000 (SG2000), an international NGO, established by the joint sponsorship of the Japan Shipbuilding Foundation and the Global 2000/ Carter Center. As a Humphrey Fellow, Mr. Sissoko is currently focusing on Agricultural Economics at UC Davis, with an interest in food. 

Last updated: 2006

Communication and Information Officer for the Initiave pour le Développement des Mils et Sorghos en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre Sasakawa Global 2000

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