Coronavirus Information and Resources for UC Davis International Students and Scholars
Dear international students and scholars,
We continue to follow the developments of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and monitor situations on campus and around the world. Your safety, wellbeing, and educational experience are our priorities. As such, we are writing to assure you that protocols are in place to support you. We are also writing to reiterate campus updates and remind you of the information and resources available to support you during what we understand may be a challenging time for you and your family.
Campus Information
There are no reported cases of COVID-19 on the Davis campus. UC Davis is preparing for all scenarios. Classes remain in session in Davis and Sacramento. Campus leadership has advised for maximum flexibility for students and faculty who either should not or do not wish to attend in-person classes to complete the work of the quarter via alternate means. Frequent updates are being made to support our campus community, including:
- Campus information and ongoing updates on the UC Davis Coronavirus (COVID-19) information page
- Updates about travel and other advisories on our Global Affairs website
- Note for campus employees: international university travel must be registered, and employees are encouraged to also register personal travel to receive real-time alerts and custom updates
- Student Affairs is providing regular updates for students and Human Resources is providing updates for managers and supervisors
Travel Information
Travel outside the U.S. should be limited since reentering the U.S. may be restricted. Our Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) office is, as always, available for specific questions related to your visa and/or immigration status.
Health and Wellbeing Resources
We also recognize that staying can be stressful, so we want to remind you that there are numerous campus resources available to you, including:
- Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) for students
- Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) for scholars
It is critical to follow the recommendations for preventative care, which have the greatest likelihood of protecting us as individuals and as a community.
Please know we are here for you during this uncertain time. If there are other ways that we can support you, please let us know.
Joanna Regulska
Vice Provost and Associate Chancellor of Global Affairs
Wesley Young
Director of Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS), Global Affairs