Message from the Vice Provost and Associate Chancellor: Congratulating Associate Vice Provost Ermias Kebreab on New Leadership Role
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of Global Affairs, I would like to congratulate our esteemed colleague Ermias Kebreab, who has been named the Associate Dean of Global Engagement and Director of the World Food Center in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, starting January 15, 2019. Ermias is a distinguished scholar and skilled administrator, making him a perfect fit to lead the college’s robust international programs, including its World Food Center.
In Global Affairs, Ermias has been steadfast in his role as our Associate Vice Provost of Academic Programs. Since he started in Global Affairs on July 1, 2016, he has collaborated across campus to welcome hundreds of international delegations and visitors to UC Davis and facilitate 50 new agreements and partnerships with leading institutions. Ermias spearheaded the hiring of new staff members; finalized a new campus international agreements process; continually supported Confucius Institute events and training programs through Asian International Programs; and serves on the board of directors for UC Davis Chile Life Sciences Innovation Center. He was also a guiding force in establishing the Chancellor’s Award for International Engagement and launching our Faculty and Staff Ambassadors and Curriculum Enhancement Through Global Learning programs.
Ermias is a champion of international collaboration and faculty engagement. He chaired the planning of our recent International Research Conference at UC Davis, which brought together 200 leaders from dozens of countries for timely discussions on strategies for solving some of today’s biggest challenges. Ermias also supported long-standing faculty programs such as our Seed Grants for International Activities and Grants for Regional Faculty Groups—the fruits of which are realized time and time again as faculty earn external funding for their international research and new strategic connections are formed.
As a widely published and successful scholar himself in the field of sustainable agriculture, Ermias has the research background, collaborative skills, and innovative thinking needed to advance the breadth of international programs and activities of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Ermias’ departure is certainly bittersweet for us in Global Affairs, but we know we will continue working closely with him as we partner with the colleges, schools, and academic departments on advancing UC Davis’ international agenda. In the meantime, our Associate Vice Provost for Academic Programs position has posted online here.
I hope you will join us in wishing all the best for Ermias and thanking him immensely for his contributions to inspiring global curiosity, understanding, and engagement at UC Davis and beyond.
Joanna Regulska
Vice Provost and Associate Chancellor of Global Affairs
Professor of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
University of California, Davis