Zoom Relief: UC Davis vs. Cardiff in COVID-19 Quiz
By Dateline Staff, UC Davis News
"In a bit of pandemic relief, while still extending our knowledge of the coronavirus, students from UC Davis and Cardiff University, Wales, will face off in a biochemistry quiz Wednesday (March 10).
Chancellor Gary S. May will deliver live welcome remarks for the friendly rivalry, and Cardiff President Colin Riordan will deliver a message by video. The event on Zoom is scheduled to start at 11 a.m., and everyone is invited to attend, free of charge.
Distinguished Professor Walter Leal of the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology is the organizer and the moderator of the Eric Conn Biochemistry Quizzes, named after the late professor who was the founding father of biochemistry at UC Davis.
“I thought the quizzes would help students get out of the Zoom routine,” said Leal, citing the side effects of screen-time fatigue and a lessening of the ability to focus. He also saw an opportunity to foster international connections at a time when student exchanges have been curtailed."
Read the full story at the UC Davis News website.