2018-19 Humphrey Fellowship Program Events
To submit a request a for a Humphrey Fellow to speak at one of your upcoming events, programs, or seminars, please contact Nikki Grey Rutamu, associate director of the Humphrey Fellowship Program in Global Affairs, at ngreyrutamu@ucdavis.edu.

Winter Quarter 2019
Individual Presentations/Speaking Engagements
- Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Angelina Davydova (Russia)
Presentation: Humphrey Fellowship experience, work as an environmental journalist, and about communicating climate change issues and presenting them in a visual way at an Earth Journalism course at UC Berkeley
Date: February 2, 2019
Location: UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism - Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Jorge Andres Forero Gonzales (Colombia)
Presentation: Experience working in Colombia in the areas of human rights, social movements and non-profit management at the UC Davis International Relations Student Association meeting
Date: February 7, 2019 - Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Mina Lalaoui Kamal (Morocco)
Presentation: “Environmental Challenges and Opportunities in Morocco" to a students in the UC Davis Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
Date: February 12
Location: Veihmeyer Hall, Room 220 - Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Angelina Davydova (Russia)
Presentation: “Environmental challenges, policy and grass-root campaigns in today’s Russia" as a guest lecturer at a Russian Studies class at Indiana University Bloomington
Date: February 15, 2019
Location: Indiana University Bloomington
Public Events and Lectures
- Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Angelina Davydova (Russia)
Presentation: Speaking at the Dialog & Effect: Climate Change Panel Discussion
Date: February 24, 2019
Livestream Available: on YouTube - Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Angelina Davydova (Russia)
Presentation: "UN Climate Negotiations, Country Climate Actions and Grassroots Initiatives" as a part of the United Nations Association of the USA Davis Chapter's Program for International Women's Day
Date: March 31, 2019
Location: International House Davis
Community Events
2018-19 UC Davis Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Graduation
Date: March 12, 2019
Location: UC Davis International Center

Volunteer/Community Service Activities
2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Irina Mkrtchyan served as an honorary coach with Global Affairs Associate Vice Provost of Global Education and Services Fadi Fathallah at a UC Davis Women's Basketball Game
Date: January 31, 2019

Workshop and Conference Attendance
- Workshop: Global Development and Social Justice
Attendee: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Marlen Navarro (Cuba)
Date: March 3-8, 2019
Location: Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University - Workshop: Achieving Energy Resilience: Equity and Inclusive Action in an Increasingly Turbulent World
Attendees: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellows Mina Lalaoui Kamal (Morocco), Angelina Davydova (Russia), and Kristel Noges (Estonia)
Date: March 25-28, 2019
Location: Global Resilience Institute, Northeastern University -
Workshop: Strategies for Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship in Challenging Conditions
Attendee: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Binta Traore (Mali)
Date: April 16-19, 2019
Location: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Fall Quarter 2018
Public Events and Lectures
- Climate Action Brown Bag
Presenter: UC Davis Humphrey Alumna Itzel Morales (Mexico, 2016-17)
Date: August 31, 2018
Time: 12-1 p.m.
Location: UC Davis International Center Room 3119 - Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow Welcome
Presenters: 2018-19 UC Davis Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows
Date: September 28, 2018
Time: 3-5 p.m.
Location: UC Davis International Center Multipurpose Room - Public Presentation on Cuban Culture
Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Marlen Navarro
Date: December 14, 2018
Individual Presentations/Speaking Engagements
- Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Marlen Navarro (Cuba)
Presentation: Cuban Agriculture
Date: October 6, 2018 - Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Angelina Davydova (Russia)
Presentation: “UN Climate negotiations and global climate policy" at the UC Davis International Relations Student Association meeting
Date: October 15, 2018 - Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Mina Lalaoui Kamal (Morocco)
Presentations: several presentations about the reuse of treated wastewater in Marrakech city to Scottsdale, Arizona officials, including the mayor of Scottsdale, the executive director of the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association, the water reclamation services director and the wastewater collections manager
Date: November 5-6, 2018 - Presenter: 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Mina Lalaoui Kamal (Morocco)
Presentation: “Environmental challenges and opportunities in Morocco" at a UC Davis International Agricultural Development postgraduate class
Date: November 27, 2018
Volunteer/Community Service Activities
- Solar Installation with GRID Alternatives
- Putah Creek Clean-up

Other Notable Events and Activities (Group)
- Welcome Potluck for Friendship Hosts and Humphrey Fellows
- Professional Skills Courses
- Global Climate Action Summit Symposium at UC Davis: "Managing Lands in a Changing Climate to Improve Agricultural Resiliency, Food Security and Health"
- California Water Systems Tour
- Global Climate Action Summit, San Francisco
- Site visit to UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center
- 2018 International Research Conference at UC Davis
- UN Declaration of Human Rights at International House Davis
Other Notable Events and Activities (Individual)
- 2018-19 UC Davis Humphrey Fellow Angelina Davydova (Russia) attended the UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland December 4-14, 2018. Davydova moderated a training session on climate journalism for a group of journalists and moderated two more sessions in Russia’s country pavilion: one about opportunities and obstacles to Russia’s low-carbon development and one about education for sustainable development. She spoke at a session dedicated to climate-related educational programs, sharing her experience of teaching environmental and climate journalism. Davydova also facilitated a half-day meeting and planning session of NGO, think tanks, journalists, and local authorities representatives from the region of Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus, co-organized by the Climate Action Network and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
More Information
If you are interested in collaborating with the Humphrey Fellowship Program at UC Davis, please contact Nikki Grey Rutamu, associate director of the Humphrey Fellowship Program in Global Affairs, at ngreyrutamu@ucdavis.edu.
Follow the latest Humphrey Fellow events, activities, and news by connecting with UC Davis Humphrey on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.