Seed Funding for Exploratory Research 2023
Tecnológico de Monterrey and University of California, Davis, Supported by University of California Alianza MX
Tecnológico de Monterrey and University of California, Davis Seed Funding for Exploratory Research 2023
Supported by University of California Alianza MX
University of California Alianza MX (Alianza MX) is pleased to announce an initiative to provide seed funding for exploratory research by binational groups organized between the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Tec de Monterrey) and the University of California, Davis (UC Davis).
The main objectives of this initiative are to support exploratory research activities by groups from Tec de Monterrey and UC Davis with the potential for creating permanent ties and to support the development of research project proposals for funding from other institutional and extramural sources.
Exploratory research supported through this initiative is expected to develop innovative approaches to studying unique problems and serve as the foundation for new research projects in the following areas:
- Climate Change
- Public Health
- Advancing Underserved Populations
Projects proposed must not duplicate initiatives or projects already funded by Alianza MX.
To be eligible, proposals for seed funding to organize exploratory research activities must include eligible co-Principal Investigators (PIs) from Tec de Monterrey and UC Davis.
- Proposals must include at least two co-PIs from UC Davis and at least one (preferably two) co-PIs from Tec de Monterrey.
- UC Davis PIs must meet eligibility criteria for research or training contracts and grants and must be members of the Academic Senate or Academic Federation.
- Tec de Monterrey PIs must be full-time researchers or professors.
- Postdoctoral researchers and students (graduate, professional or undergraduate) are not eligible to serve as PIs, though PIs are encouraged to include them as participants in their projects.
Proposal submissions
Seed funding proposals must be submitted simultaneously as a single pdf to the following email addresses: alianzamxresearch@ucr.edu, elangridge@ucdavis.edu and jose_gonzalez@tec.mx.
All proposals for seed funding should include the following sections.
- Cover sheet, including the names of the PIs and other participating researchers, contact information for the co-PIs, the topical area under which the proposal should be considered (climate change, public health, or advancing underserved populations), an abstract that succinctly states the goal of the research and relevant background information on prior research (one page maximum).
- Objectives, which includes the significance of the researchers’ activities; leadership roles for the PIs; a timeline of research activities; and plans for continuation of the project/ collaboration beyond the seed funding period, including a list of external agencies to which proposals for future funding will be submitted (three pages maximum).
- Budget request, including planned expenses, scheduled activities and cost distribution at both Tec de Monterrey and UC Davis (two pages maximum).
- Curriculum vitae for all PIs, including relevant recent publications (two pages maximum per PI).
- Institutional support, including signed letters of support from the relevant Dean(s), Center Director(s), or Department Head(s). PIs from UC Davis should also obtain a signature of support from a representative of the Sponsored Programs Office (SPO).
Proposal submissions must be received by Monday, November 13, 2023 to be eligible for consideration.
Funding Support
Funding up to $20,000 per proposal comes in matching funds from Alianza MX and Tec de Monterrey to fund projects over a one-year period. Funding is available to fund up to three (3) binational projects.
All funds will be administered in accordance with UC and Tec de Monterrey policies and procedures. Funding awarded to PIs from UC Davis will be administered in coordination with the UC Davis Sponsored Programs Office and department administrators. The portion of the grant awarded to PIs from Tec de Monterrey will be administered in coordination with the office of Outreach and Scientific Diplomacy in the School of Engineering and Science.
The following conditions will apply to the use of seed funding for exploratory research activities:
- No indirect costs or institutional overhead may be charged against funds awarded through this call.
- PIs will be responsible for administration, accounting and timely completion of financial reports.
- Granted funds cannot be transferred between institutions.
- Alianza MX, UC Davis and Tec de Monterrey support must be acknowledged in all research proposals, publications and products resulting from this financial support.
- No later than 60 days following the period of grant support, all PIs must jointly submit final scientific and financial reports to Alianza MX, UC Davis and Tec de Monterrey. Instructions on how to submit those reports will be communicated to the awardees.
Evaluation and selection
Proposals for seed funding will be reviewed and evaluated by a binational committee consisting of representatives from Alianza MX, UC Davis and Tec de Monterrey using the following criteria:
- Fit with the objectives and topical areas of the seed funding initiative, including the potential for exploratory research to provide a foundation for continued binational collaboration, such as the organization of research working groups and clear, articulated plans to pursue identified sources of external funding;
- Qualifications of the applicants, including complementarity between PIs from Tec de Monterrey and UC Davis;
- Significance of the proposed exploratory research contributions, or development of technological, educational, or social innovations to solve unique problems in the topical areas listed above;
- Clarity of the proposal, including objectives, expected outcomes and budget; and
- A detailed description of how the exploratory research activities supported by the grant will help secure additional funding from other institutional and/or extramural sources.
More Information
Questions can be directed to José Gonzalez (jose_gonzalez@tec.mx) for faculty from Tec de Monterrey and Elizabeth Langridge-Noti (elangridge@ucdavis.edu) at UC Davis.