UC Davis Launches Global Strategic Planning Effort
The UC Davis Global Strategic Plan will provide a roadmap for the global elements in “To Boldly Go”
By Bonnie Shea, director of communications, Global Affairs
UC Davis’ 10-year strategic plan, “To Boldly Go,” is the guiding document for taking the university to new heights of distinction. The plan’s five ambitious goals include global elements that require further articulation, action steps, and concrete measurements of success.
The planning effort to develop this roadmap in the form of the first comprehensive UC Davis Global Strategic Plan is now underway, spearheaded by a committee of faculty, students, and staff from all corners of campus. The committee is co-chaired by Fadi Fathallah, associate vice provost of global education and services in Global Affairs and professor of biological and agricultural engineering, and H. Rao Unnava, dean and professor in the Graduate School of Management.
The committee’s planning objectives include developing a global campus identity that builds on campus strengths, creating a guide for achieving the global components called for in To Boldly Go, and supporting the integration of internationalization as a tool to help UC Davis reach its full potential.
“There is so much important work already underway across campus and around the world. Our goal is to tie together the global concepts within To Boldly Go and from various initiatives, programs, and committees—past and present,” explains Fathallah.
The planning process will incorporate various reports and recommendations from campus programs, including from two major UC Davis initiatives, Global Centers—which is expanding mutually-beneficial engagements in regions around the world, and Global Education for All—a goal to provide 100 percent of students with meaningful international or intercultural experiences before graduation.
“A good strategic plan tells us what we will do, and what we won’t. With the help of inputs from our faculty, staff, and students, we believe we can design focused offerings in research, teaching, and service so we become the first choice for our relevant audiences around the world,” says Unnava.
The planning process will focus on strategies for global education, research, and service, both near and far, including on campus and in communities around the world.
“The global challenges of our time are also opportunities for us to find solutions with new technologies, with new collaborators, and with new forms of education,” says Joanna Regulska, vice provost and associate chancellor of Global Affairs. “This campuswide plan will serve as an important guiding document as we take on these challenges and opportunities together—locally and around the world.”
Once initial feedback is gathered, the committee anticipates a draft plan in Fall 2019 and a final plan in Winter 2020. Members of the UC Davis community are invited to send questions, feedback or ideas to globalaffairs@ucdavis.edu. To learn more visit the UC Davis Global Strategic Plan webpage.